Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pharaohs, Maharajas, and Shahs--

Jean de Valette.
Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.

His lover was:
Catherine Grecque.

Natural offspring:
1) Barthelemy de Valette.
[Ref1:Times of Malta]

Maria of Antioch.

Her lover was:
Alexios Komnenos.
"...Maria tried to avoid the inevitable consequence of elevating a man to the throne by taking lovers instead.  Her choice of Alexios the protosebastos was censured in the strongest terms by Choniates, who was of the opinion that he was the reason for the ruin of the empire. No doubt Maria's choice was generally unpopular, not because of the impropriety involved, but because it represented a drawing of power lines...."  (James, 1997, p. 87)
@ Explore Turkey
Ottoman Sultans.
"Extraordinarily beautiful women slaves raised by the Master Treasurer used to be congregated in a separate group named Sultan's assistant masters. The ones the Sultan liked were deposited as odalisques (Majesty's Chamber). The Sultan would select four of them as peyk (for his service) and the other four as Gozde (Favourite).  If one of those Gozdes got pregnant she would promote (sic) to the rank of Ikbal (Felicity) and become Kadin Efendi (Wife). The Sultan would marry the Concubines he did not like, to some other men outside the Harem. There was not a precise rule for the Sultan to keep four Peyks and four Gozdes.  It is known that some Sultans used to have fewer women.  The sexual relations of the Sultans with their Concubines have always been told mixing with fantasies by some western authors." (Explore Turkey)

"Islamic rulers have tended to stretch the rules by having a harem of concubines in addition to the four wives the Koran allows.  This was true among the Mamluk rulers of Egypt (1250-1517) and among the sultans of the Ottoman Empire (late 1200s-1918). The Ottoman harem was presided over by the Valide Sultan---the mother of the sultan---who wielded considerable power. The harem was guarded by eunuchs and was a private place, forbidden to strangers. The women for the harem were selected from among prisoners of war and from slave markets, and they underwent a long period of training in the principles of Islam as well as learning skills such

Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Joseph Warnia-Zarzecki - Sultan Selim III - Google Art Project.jpg
Ottoman Sultan Selim III
Ottoman Sultan Selim III (1761-1808)
Ottoman Sultan 1789.

"The treacherous Hangerli was meanwhile denouncing Hussein to the sultan as responsible for the disaster before Vidin; but he was not sufficiently versed in the secret scandal of Stambul (sic) to realise that Hussein's wife was the mistress of Selim III, and so this intervention brought disaster upon his head. An emissary was sent from the Porte to Bucharest, accompanied by a tall negro executioner. Forcing his way into the palace and into the very presence of the hospodar, he produced a firman of the sultan and ordered t e negro to strangle the wretched Hangerli then and there, before the eyes of his terrified guards (1 March 1799(.  When some of the boiars rushed in, they found that the prince's head had already been hacked off, and the room was deluged with blood.  His naked body was then thrown out into the street and left there till evening.  An admirable picture of Turkish culture in the dying century." (A History of the rooumanians: 159)

Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire.
His lover was:
[Ref1:Your Dictionary]

Kings of Persia.
Ashot I.

" . . . In the ninth century Ashot the Great had been forced by Abbot Grigol of Khandzta to surrender his concubine to a nunnery. . . . " (Edge of Empire: A History of Georgia:118)

Darius III of Persia.

His lover was:

Xerxes of Persia.
His lover was:

Ancient Rome's Rulers.
Bust of Marcus Antonius
in Vatican Museums
Mark Antony (83-30)

Mark Antony's physical appearance & personal qualities. "...Ruggedly handsome, with a muscular build, broad forehead, and aquiline nose, Mark Antony, like Caesar, had a weakness for the opposite sex...." (Wallace, et. al., 2008, p. 321) [Ref1]

His lover was:
Cleopatra of Egypt.
"In 41 B.C. Antony began an affair with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, who had been Caesar's lover in the last years of his life.  The queen gave birth to twins, Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, but Antony was forced to return to Rome to deal with the aftermath of his wife and brother-in-law's failed rebellion against Octavian.  The Senate pushed for conciliation between the triumvirs, pressing the recently widowed Antony to marry Octavian's sister Octavia Minor in 40 B.C." (History.com)

African Royals.
Amina, Queen of Zazzau

". . . Hausa queen Amina dies at about fifty in present-day Nigeria.  At sixteen, she began leading her people in an aggressive campaign to extend their territory, building walled camps, capturing many cities, establishing new trade routes, and taking a lover in each conquered town, only to have him beheaded in the morning. (Olson, 1994, p. 68) [Ref1:Black History Heroes]

Islamic Spain's Royal Favourites.

Ibn Ammar (1031-1086)
Portuguese Muslim poet
Vizier of Sevilla

His lover was:
King of Sevilla 1069

"When he was 13 years old Al-Mu'tamid's father made his son Emir of Seville and appointed the Andalusi Arabic poet Ibn Ammar as his vizier. The young Al-Mu'tamid fell in love with Ibn Ammar. One night after enjoying poetry and wine he declared “Tonight you sleep with me on ths same pillow!" Al-Mu'tamid's father disapproved of the relationship (particularly as Ibn Ammar was a commoner) and sent him into exile in order to separate the two. When Al-Mu'tamid succeeded his father he recalled Ibn Ammar and bestowed high political and military favours on him. One night when sleeping together Ibn Ammar dreamt Al-Mu'tamid was going to kill him and fled. The caliph tried to reassure him that he would never do such a thing. However, they later got into a furious quarrel, and the caliph “fell into a rage and hacked him to death with his own hands”. After Ibn Ammar's death, the caliph grieved bitterly and gave his lover a sumptuous funeral. It was this type of decadence that would create resentment among his deeply religious Almoravid supporters." (Wikipedia)

"During these early years, a young, penniless, poet-adventurer was drawn to the court of Seville to prove his talent and reap his reward. Ibn 'Ammar's artful verse captured the fervent admiration of the young prince al-Mu'tamid, who aspired to model himself after the poet. Lovers of pleasure, high adventure and - above all - poetry, the two became inseparable companions. When al-Mu'tamid's father appointed him gov­ernor of Silves (in present-day Portugal) at age 23, the prince named Ibn 'Ammar his vizier, and later, when he ascended the throne, his prime minister.  The two friends often sallied forth in disguise to the banks of al-Wadi al-Kabir, now the Guadal­quivir River, to amuse themselves. On such an outing, al-Mu'tamid supposedly met his future bride. While strolling along the river's Bank where some young women were washing linen, the legend has it, al-Mu'tamid improvised a half verse, challenging Ibn 'Ammar to supply the second verse on the spot." (Aramco World)

Walladah bint al-Mustakfi de Córdoba (1001-1080)

Her lover was:
Ibn Zaydun.
a famous Arab poet.
"Walladah bint al-Mustakfi was a renowned poet who is remembered for her defiance of traditional gender roles based in Cordoba, Spain. Her father was Muhammad III of Cordoba who came to power in 1024 and was assassinated two years later.  Walladah became well-known for her bold poetry and mixed gender readings that she held in her home. Al-Mustakfi never married but kept lovers throughout her life. She remained economically independent during her life and served as an early example of feminine strength in a Muslim society." (Wise Muslim Women)

"...Walladah (994-1077), a princess of Islamic Spain, refused to stay secluded within the harem or to wear the veil, and she was known to be the lover of a famous poet...."  (Bardsley, p. 54)

Walladah was the daughter of Muhammad III, Emir of Cordoba, and an Ethiopian Christian slave.

References:  [Bio1] [Bio2] [Ref1] [Ref2:Fatal Feminist] [Ref2:Helium] [Ref3:alshindagah] [Ref4:Alison Macmahan]

Monday, April 15, 2019

Kings & Princes & Actresses & Dancers

"Since the ballet itself paid most dancers too little to cover their lavish costumes and other expenses, most acquired wealthy patrons and the most successful became mistresses of royalty. Philippe d’Orleans, regent to Louis XIV’s great-grandson and successor, Louis XV had an affair with Emilie Dupré, a ballerina with peasant origins. Sophie Hagman, a dancer in the Royal Swedish ballet, began her life as the daughter of a gamekeeper but eventually became the official mistress of Prince Frederick Adolf of Sweden. Kelly provides countless other examples of women from humble origins who used the role of the ballerina-courtesan to rise to the pinnacle of high society." (Royal Historian)


Katharina Schratt, Austrian actress & royal mistress.
Lover in 1885-1916.

Crown Prince of Austria.
Johanna Buska, Austrian actress & opera singer.
Lover in 1874-1880.

Mizzi Kaspar, Austrian actress & courtesan.
Lover in 1886-1889.

Anna Pick (1855-?)
Lover in 1887?

Otto Franz von Osterreich.
Louise Robinson, Austrian actress.

Louis XV de France.
Francoise de Raucourt, French actress & singer.
Lover in 1772.

Philippe II d'Orleans

Charlotte Desmares, French actress.
Lover in 1696-1698; 1706.

Florence PellerinFrench dancer & actress.
Lover in 1696-1698.

La Grandval., French actress.
Lover in 1690.

Edward VII of Great Britain.
Nellie Clifden, Irish actress.
Lover in 1861.

Mary Cora Urquhart, American society woman & stage actress.
Lover in 1887.

Lillie Langtry, British actress, courtesan & royal mistress.
Lover in 1877-1879.

Jeanne Granier, French actress & opera singer.
Lover in 1889.

Jeanne Granier, French actress & opera singer.
Lover in 1889.

Maxine Elliott, American stage actress.
Lover in 1908.

EdwardVIII of Great Britain.
Lady Diana Cooper, British aristocrat, actress & socialite.

Frances Day, American actress & singer

Mildred Harris, American film actress
Lover in 1920.

Edward of Great Britain, Duke of Kent.
Marianne Dulaque, French actress
Lover in 1788.


Karl IV Theodor, Elector Palatine of the Rhine
Francoise Despres-Verneuil, French actress

Ludwig I von Bayern.
Charlotte van Hagn, German actress

Lola Montez, Irish dancer, actress & courtesan
Lover in 1846-1848.

Ludwig Wilhelm im Bayern.
Henriette Mendel, German actress.

Friedrich III von Brandenburg-Bayreuth.
Rosalie Astrodi, Italian singer, dancer, and actress.
Lover in 1753-1755.

Karl Alexander von Brandenburg-Ansbach.
Hippolyte Clairon, French actress.
Lover in 1773.

Friedrich Wilhelm II von Preussen.
Wilhelmina Encke, German actress.
Lover in 1759-1797.

Albrecht von Preussen.
Lola Montez, Irish dancer, actress & courtesan
Lover in 1843.

Heinrich LXXII von Reuss-Lobenstein-Ebersdorf.
Lola Montez, Irish dancer, actress & courtesan
Lover in 1843.

Vittorio Emanuele II di Italia.
Laura Bon, Italian actress & royal mistress
Lover in 1844.

Nikolai I of Russia.
Lola Montez, Irish dancer, actress & courtesan
Lover in 1843.